Know more about the company
GRUPINEX is made up of a human, technical and logistical team in continuous movement. We study the market to anticipate the future needs of our customers. At GRUPINEX we reinvent ourselves through the improvement of our processes.
The key to the success of the company is the union of all the people that make up the different work teams. The mission and vision of Grupinex is shared by all members, from the commercial team to the factory technicians.
The company bases its work on the collaboration and generation of new ideas that allow the customer to benefit from the continuous improvement of each of the processes.
The main focus of all the work done is the customer satisfaction. We want that you feel part of the company. Therefore, we try to get to know in person all of our customers by carrying out continuous business trips. The language level of Grupinex professionals facilitate relationships and make everything very natural.
We adapt our processes based on the knowledge that the markets offer.
Technical work is present in the DNA of the company, offering this service in all companies that need such support.
Excellence knowledge of international markets.
The protocolization of our processes and standards quality on which you work, allows you to generate value added from the initial phase of the projects.
Our method of work is based on our excellence knowledge of international markets
We transmit to our customers trust, strength, Know How and the experience they need to develop their projects with guarantees.
This roulette sequentially marks the process that companies travel when they work with us.
Ourselves we are based on professionalization, simplicity, security, trust; always looking for the tranquillity of our customers.
They are highly automated processes by all the members of the team, being part of the values of work. We bring agility and fluidity.
Customers are always aware of the state in which you will find your project.
We start with the collection of most of the details of each project. We have perfectly defined the information required for each of the processes. In this first phase it is established a global vision and the strategy that will be carried out.
Acting as consultants, we will give our first vision to the client and we will send you our positions, as well as information that may be necessary.
Having the overall vision of the project well defined, Grupinex puts customer’s knowledge and experience in the sector for drawing up the work sketch that will be the subject of analysis with the client.
To do this, an excellent technical and commercial team deploys its resources and work in a coordinated manner to achieve the best proposal that will be introduced to the client.
We have a first level commercial and technical team. Very experienced in their fields and specialties and with a level of languages that allow them to interact with customers in a natural way.
Customer interaction takes place during all processes. It is continuously provided, advised, accompanied by the client in the decision-making process, advised for a better understanding of the project to be developed.
We provide our customers with the maximum precision of their preproduction project. By doing so, we eliminate uncertainty, build confidence and ensure reliability in results. The customer is fully aware of what is going to be executed.
This presentation is the result of the continuous interaction that has been maintained in previous moments.
Once the client has accepted the proposals that have gone working through the presentation of sketches and collaboration between the two teams, we proceed to the formalization and agreement in which the conditions, delivery times, qualities and all aspects that are relevant to the correct development of the project are detailed.
We have professionals with extensive experience in the elaboration and manipulation of granite. We offer to our customers the strength of the union, between technique and tradition.
Projects are drawn up in each of the factories to which it has been assigned through our QRS system. We guarantee the traceability of them by means of a continuous control system and information towards our customers.
The deadlines that have been agreed are met, always working on for the sake of customer satisfaction.
Throughout all these years, GRUPINEX has been knitting a wide network of collaborations with land and sea transport companies. Every year more than 500 shipments are made using both trucks and containers to Europe and to countries around the world.
We offer the security and trust that the experience guarantees us.
Customers can leave in our hands the shipment of their material or may well arrange collection themselves in factories, putting your disposal our means to carry out the load.
We provide the customer with the opportunity to perform a monitoring of the project from the start of manufacturing to the shipment of material.
Photographs that report knowledge to the customer is delivered on the evolution of work.
We bring peace of mind and confidence. Given the distance at which find our customers, we become their supervisors.